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Sorry for the update being late... there were a couple of issues I only just encountered. As always feel free to share feebdack/ideas! I hope you will enjoy this update!


This was really fun! A couple of suggestions for future development:

  • Rock could get bigger as damage increases
  • A melee weapon could be cool
  • More varied sound/visual effects when you hit a zombie or get hit by one
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I've allready been working on new weapons including a big stone🙂 A melee weapons is actually a great idea! Sfx for getting are are also a great idea! Btw idk how I'll convince the zombies to stop being hostile and date you... 😂 I won't add a  machine gun because I'm trying to keep this family friendly(kind of) so gore and machine guns might not fit that idea... also that probably wouldn't be nsfw but still a good idea🙂 Thank you for your feedback! Thanks again for playing it on stream! 


Haha glad you could catch some of the stream, I had a blast playing it!

I thought so! You sounded like you really liked it! 

Future of BitBrain

I want to continue development once the game jam is over if anyone of you has any suggestions or bugs reply to this comment so I can maybe(they have to fit the game) implement them.


in a way it kinda looks likeminecraft

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I get what your saying. It's the art style... I like the voxel style of games like Minecraft or Teardown so I wanted to make a game in that art style.😀


I hope you enjoy this game I made for the Brackeys Gam Jam 2024.1!