BitBrain Update 1.1 RELEASE

Hello Everyone, 

The new Update 1.1 is coming to BitBrain TOMOROW! Here's the list of changes:


-fixed a bug where the controls/options were still show after hitting Escape again(to exit the pause menu)

-fixed music not playing properly

-fixed UI not scaling properly

-fixed sometimes getting 2 or more upgrades


-added UI sounds

-added animation to the health UI

-added walking particles to zombies

-added warning before quiting game

-added shop & coin system for weapons

-added stats to weapons to make combat more interesting

-added more enemy types: aggressive: -more damage


                                                                  speedy: -less damage


-added logbook for zombies and weapons

-added stats that you can see at anytime(in pause menu)

-added traps all over the map

-added visual feedback to when enemys are hit(they turn red for 0.1 seconds)

-added sfx for getting hit

-added a dash upgrade

-added a stick as a melee weapon

-added Crosshair UI

-added explosion effect when enemys die

-added camera idle animation to the main menu


-slightly changed layout of pause menu

-updated credits

-made enemy hit sfx of higher priority(hopefully makes it easier to hear)

-changed controls menu to include dashing and using stick keybinds

This list will be included in the downloadable folder of the game too.

A BIG thank you to everyone one of you that shared ideas/feedback!

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